REGISTER by entering your email address in the space provided and I will get back to you to set up a complimentary 15 minute consultation.
As an extra BONUS just for registering, each week, I will send you a valuable and thought-provoking response to one of many questions asked of me over the past decade in regard to our interaction with life and how to take control of it. Some will include a Power Page designed to allow you an opportunity to engage with the topic of the week more fully. These questions will be taken from an e-book that my son and I created entitled Choice Empowerment.
If you choose to give yourself the opportunity to experience the benefits of a full 60 minutes session, I will ALSO offer the first one FREE of charge!
The limiting beliefs and unpleasant emotions that are stealing your joy are…only TEMPORARY…the status quo!
And if you are exhausted from the inner battle that many women experience between settling for what you are used to and risking a leap into something much better, something with unlimited potential…
With me as your COACH and collaborative guide…
You will identify where you are and create a clear vision of where you want to be
You will recognize and release blind spots and replace them with a clear vision of your path to greatness
You will expedite your growth through empowering processes that I will teach you
You will gain confidence in your ability to take action
You will be amazed at the new and true you that emerges from within yourself
You will develop a feeling of worthiness that prompts you to keep moving forward on the path to your dream
Let your process begin here
GET STARTED TODAYYOU live YOUR life according to the story YOU tell!
Is your current story working for you? IT COULD BE! Working with me as your coach will enable you to recognize exactly what kind of story you’ve written and how it IS or ISN’T working for you!
Are You Thrilled with Every Chapter in your Story?
There is no MAYBE or SORT OF!
You are either…
- Feeling fabulous in the leading role of your script
- Being the best version of yourself
- Experiencing the grandest life you can imagine

- Just marginally satisfied with your life
- Agreeing to “That’s the way it’s always been.”
- Holding back from believing that what you would REALLY LOVE could ever be yours
Do you recognize any of these chapter titles? Are they indicative of chapters in the story of the dynamic woman you truly are?

Chapter 1
Not Enough Money

Chapter 2
Mediocre Relationships

Chapter 3
Overwhelming To-Do Lists

Chapter 4
Never Enough Time for Fun

Chapter 5
Frustrated with My ‘lot in life’

Chapter 6
Feeling Melancholy…BLAH

Chapter 7
Settling for ‘That’s Just How It Is”

Chapter 8
I’m Getting Too Old to Dream Big

Chapter 9
Another New Health Issue

GOOD NEWS: You can opt for some extraordinary editing!
I am no stranger to the likes of those chapters. A woman can rewrite her story as often as she chooses. I continue to tweak my intentions and raise my vibrations AND SO CAN YOU!!! I can coach you in whatever direction you desire to uncover the dynamic woman in you!
I offer a safe and creative atmosphere where YOU can rewrite whatever chapter in your story that falls short of exactly what you would really LOVE!
YOU can feel great!
(Current chapter title, mid rewrite, or completely revised)
That is the first step!
There are many ways to increase your level of ‘feeling better’ regardless of any current circumstance or situation.
Are you willing to seize the opportunity to FEEL BETTER or even GREAT… empowered?
“Sure!” you might say,
“And just how am I suppose to do THAT?”
YOU live YOUR life according to the story YOU tell!
I can assist you in discovering within yourself ways to amp up your personal power by means of increasing your ability to FEEL BETTER exponentially.
GET STARTED TODAY FOR FREE!Having a PERSONAL COACH to guide you in realizing the incredible role you play in your life – thus debunking the myth that you are powerless over your circumstances –
is paramount in the forward movement of rewriting that story of yours…
…by creating chapters that WILL read:
Chapter 1-
Financially Free at Last
Chapter 2-
The Exceptional Relationship I Deserve
Chapter 3-
Creating Free Time is Easy
Chapter 4-
Fun Things are Beckoning Me Today
Chapter 5 –
Chapter 6-
Joy is What My Life is ALL About
Chapter 7-
The Power to Choose is Mine
Chapter 8-
As Long as I Breathe, I Dream
Chapter 9-
Living in Optimal Health
A PERSONAL COACH is exactly what you need
you are willing to make necessary edits to your story
you would prefer to feel better than ever
you are curious about how you can turn your dreams into reality
you are eager to soar to new heights in every aspect of your life
you are intrigued about having a skill set that will empower you
you are seeking a fresh outlook on your life
REGISTER by entering your email address in the space provided and I will get back to you to set up a complimentary 15 minute consultation.
As an extra BONUS just for registering, each week, I will send you a valuable and thought-provoking response to one of many questions asked of me over the past decade in regard to our interaction with life and how to take control of it. Some will include a Power Page designed to allow you an opportunity to engage with the topic of the week more fully. These questions will be taken from an e-book that my son and I created entitled Choice Empowerment
If you choose to give yourself the opportunity to experience the benefits of a full 60 minutes session,
I will ALSO offer the first one FREE of charge.
Once you experience the advantages of ongoing coaching, we can discuss the types of services I provide and which one you feel would work best for you.
People talking about Judi
Comments from clients who have embraced the journey of writing their own stories…
Judi is a gifted, intuitive life coach. She is skilled at coaching in person and long distance. Whether we are talking on the phone, texting, emailing, or face to face she is helpful and provides resources and tools to help me know I can make choices that will get me through any situation. She is also very personable. She remains unbiased when listening to my concerns. The techniques I’ve learned during coaching gave me the guidance I needed when I have been at crossroads in my life. Using the processes helped me move forward.
To be good at something you have to have a skill set, to be great at something takes passion. Judi’s passion for coaching and her eagerness to help others embrace as well as create the happiness in their lives makes her great at what she does. Prior to her actual coaching career she has been coaching “unofficially” most of her life. Successfully helping student, their parents, other teacher as well as her family and friends.
Judi Maranic is such an inspiring coach. She has a wellspring of deep compassion, and the expertise to get right to the heart of the matter. I highly recommend her services.
Coaching Sessions
Specific empowering techniques enable you to discover how … allowing you to get in touch with the wisdom you already possess that can propel you forward in ways that will astonish you.
Individual Sessions
Individual sessions last about 45-60 minutes and can be in-person or over the phone.
Group Sessions
Group sessions last 90 minutes to 2 hours at Judi’s office or a location TBD
Contact Judi
Do you have a question about my coaching that is not answered here? Send me a message…
Inspiration & Updates
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The past is for preparation not dwelling
Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.
Read moreIt is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.[…]
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In the midst of our lives, we must find the magic that makes our souls soar. -Evelyn Beilenson
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